Email Marketing for Hotels

Discover the power of email marketing for hotels with our agency. Elevate your business with hotel email marketing campaigns that boost bookings, hotel revenue, engagement, and guest satisfaction.

What Is Hotel Email Marketing and Why Does It Matter?

Hotel email marketing is a strategic approach to promoting hotels through email campaigns. It matters because it’s cost-effective, reaches a broad audience, and fosters guest loyalty. We help hotels maximize their benefits.

Why Is Email Marketing an Important Digital Tool for Hotels? 

Email marketing is vital for hotels as it drives direct bookings, keeps guests informed about offers, and builds lasting relationships. It’s a powerful, measurable tool in the digital age. We specialize in making email marketing efforts work for hotels effectively.

Our Approach

We don’t promise miracles, but we do offer proven strategies. Our experienced team crafts email campaigns that engage and convert mobile users, driving more bookings to your own hotel website.

Results That Speak

We measure success in results, not superlatives. Let us help you navigate the world of mobile bookings with precision and expertise. Your hotel’s success is our priority.

How do we get more guests to become email subscribers?

Types of Hotel Email Email Marketing Campaigns

Well planned hotel email marketing campaigns provide hoteliers a versatile toolkit to engage guests and boost bookings for accomodation, events and other facilities in the properties. Here are the most important email campaign types we recommend:

  • Promotional Campaigns: Promote special offers, discounts, or seasonal packages to entice potential guests.
  • Newsletter Campaigns: Share updates, local insights, guest data, and hotel news to keep guests informed and engaged.
  • Welcome Campaigns: Make a great first impression with automated welcome emails introducing your hotel and amenities.
  • Abandoned Cart Campaigns: Recover potential bookings by targeting guests who started booking and filling up the signup form but didn’t need to complete it.
  • Loyalty Campaigns: Reward returning guests and loyal customers with exclusive offers to foster loyalty.
  • Event Campaigns: Promote international and local events at your hotel, from weddings to conferences, to attract attendees.
  • Feedback Campaigns: Gather valuable customer feedback to improve services and guest experiences.

Our expertise lies in crafting and executing these campaigns to drive results for your hotel business.

Best Practices: Email Marketing for Hotels

Best Practices: Email Marketing for Hotels

Effective email marketing can be your secret weapon in the dynamic hospitality industry. At Mvizz, we understand the unique challenges hotel owners and managers face. Here are some best practices we do:

  • Segmentation: Tailor your messages to different guest preferences and behaviors.
  • Compelling Content: Craft engaging, relevant, visually appealing emails and hotel websites.
  • Personalization: Make guests feel valued with personalized offers and messages.
  • Timing: Send emails at optimal times for maximum impact.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly for on-the-go and business travelers.
  • Analytics: Use data to refine your strategy and track your success.

Email Marketing Software Tools to Help You in Your Business

We offer practical solutions designed for your needs, ensuring you effectively reach, engage, and retain your guests.

Our own email marketing platform and tools simplify the complexities of marketing, streamlining your campaigns and maximizing results. From list management to analytics, we’ve got you covered.

Experience the variety of each hotel marketing emails and tool we could offer. Our suite of tools can make for your hotel business.

Email Marketing Software Tools to Help You in Your Business
The 4-Step Email Practice for Hotel Email Marketing

The 4-Step Email Practice for Hotel Email Marketing

Elevate your hotel’s guest communication strategy with our expert guidance through these essential steps.


Confirmation Emails

We’ll help you craft informative and engaging messages that reassure past guests about their reservations.


Preference & Promotional Emails

We’ll guide you in personalizing offers, enhancing guest experiences, and increasing your check in our hotel’s bottom line.


Pre-Arrival Emails

Our expert touch ensures hotel guests are excited about their stay and open to additional services.

Building Trust in Pre-Arrival Emails (and Getting Upsells!)

1. The Confirmation Email

Our specialty is crafting clear and inviting confirmation emails, ensuring your guests’ customer journey is excited about their upcoming stay.

2. The Preference Email (aka the Upsell Email)

Maximize revenue through well-timed preference emails, showcasing specific offers that enhance your guests’ experience.

3. The Pre-Arrival Reminder Email

Our strategic pre-arrival reminder emails keep your hotel top-of-mind, reassuring guests while setting the stage for additional services.


Post-Stay Emails

Emails Post-Stay That Every Hotel Should Send

1. The Thank You Email (Folio or Receipt)

Express gratitude and leave a lasting impression with our professionally designed thank you emails for email subscribers, complete with folio or receipt details.

2. The Feedback Request Email (“Leave Us a Review”)

Effortlessly collect valuable guest feedback and boost your online reputation with our well-crafted feedback request emails.

3. The Loyalty Email

Nurture guest loyalty by sending thoughtful and engaging loyalty emails to invite guests. We’ll help you keep guests coming back for more, time and again.

Benefits of Email Marketing for Hotels

Unlock the potential of email marketing for your hotel with our expert guidance. Here’s why it your leverage email marketing matters:

Benefits of Email Marketing for Hotels
  • Direct Bookings: Drive more direct bookings by reaching your audience where they check their email daily.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Save on marketing costs compared to traditional methods like direct mail.
  • Personalization: Tailor your hotel email marketing strategies for individual guests, enhancing their experience.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate with your property management system for streamlined operations.
  • Catchy Subject Lines: Crafting a compelling email subject line that boosts click-through rates and engagement.
  • Trackable Results: Easily measure the impact of your campaigns with our email marketing tool.

Allow us to assist you in uncovering all the possibilities of this outstanding instrument for your use.

Hotel Email Marketing Examples

Request For Feedback Emails

Gather valuable insights and improve guest experiences with our feedback emails. We craft engaging surveys to boost response rates and enhance your hotel’s services.

Appreciation Emails

Show your gratitude to guests with personalized appreciation emails. We help you create heartfelt messages that foster loyalty and repeat bookings.

Hotel Loyalty Program Emails

Keep guests coming back with enticing loyalty program emails. Our strategies ensure your program shines, offering exclusive perks and rewards.

Hotel Awarding Emails

Celebrate your hotel’s achievements with impactful awarding emails. We highlight your accolades and create a buzz that attracts new guests.

Hotel Event Emails

Promote special events seamlessly through our event emails. We design compelling invitations and updates to boost event attendance.

Abandoned Booking Emails

Recover lost bookings with our abandoned booking emails. We employ persuasive techniques to re-engage potential guests and secure reservations.

Mobile Bookings: Winning Strategies for Hotels

Mobile bookings are a game-changer for hotels. To stay ahead, you need winning strategies. At Mvizz, we specialize in helping hotel owners harness the power of mobile bookings through effective email marketing.

Why Mobile Bookings Matter

Mobile bookings are on the rise. Guests are booking rooms on their smartphones more than ever before. To thrive in this landscape, hotels must adapt.

3 Techniques to use in Hotel Email Marketing

Marketing automation remains a powerful tool to connect with your audience. An email marketing software with the right email marketing tools such as marketing automation can significantly boost bookings, engage your guests, and increase their loyalty when used strategically.

At Mvizz, we understand the intricacies of successful hotel email marketing strategy, and we’re here to share a hotel marketing strategy to elevate your email campaigns.

Utilizing List Segmentation

Segmenting your email list is like giving each guest a personalized experience. You can send highly relevant content by categorizing your subscribers based on factors like past bookings, interests, or local attractions.

We excel in crafting segmentation strategies that optimize your email campaigns. We’ll help you sort your list and create compelling content for each segment, ensuring your messages resonate with your audience through different email marketing tools.

High-Quality Images That Can Boost Your Email Marketing

Visual appeal is crucial in hotel email marketing. Stunning, high-quality images of your accommodations, amenities, and surrounding areas can captivate your audience. These visuals immerse your guests in the experience, making them more likely to book a stay.

We know the importance of eye-catching visuals. Our design team specializes in creating email templates that showcase your hotel’s best features, making your emails irresistible to recipients.

Start A/B Testing Campaigns

A/B testing, or split testing, is a tried-and-true method for optimizing email marketing efforts. You can identify what resonates best with your audience by sending two versions of an email with slight differences to a subset of your subscribers.

We’re committed to data-driven improvements relevant email campaigns. We’ll set up A/B tests, analyze the results, and continually refine your email marketing strategy. It ensures that your campaigns stay fresh and compelling.

Unlock the Full Revenue Potential of Your Hotel

Unlock the Full Revenue Potential of Your Hotel

At Mvizz, we specialize in helping hotel business owners like you unlock the full revenue potential of your property through strategic email marketing.

What sets us apart is our commitment to transparency and measurable results. We won’t promise miracles, but we assure you that our strategies are built on industry best practices and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Contact us now and start your journey towards greater profitability.


What are the benefits of email marketing to the hotel industry?

Email marketing for hotels offers numerous benefits. It drives direct bookings, enhances the guest experience and loyalty, and increases revenue. It also provides a cost-effective way to communicate promotions, updates, and personalized offers to a broad audience.

How do you measure the success of email marketing?

Measuring email marketing success through metrics like open rates, average click through rate get-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated. We analyze these data points to assess the effectiveness of campaigns and make data-driven improvements.

What is the best way to get your customers back to a hotel?

The best way to bring guests back is through personalized email campaigns. By understanding guest preferences and sending tailored offers, you can entice them to return. Engaging content, loyalty programs, and special discounts are crucial.

What types of emails do hotels commonly receive?

Hotels often receive reservation confirmations, promotional offers, post-stay feedback requests, newsletters, and updates on events and amenities. These emails aim to keep guests informed and engaged.

How long does it take to write, design, and send a newsletter for a hotel?

Creating and sending a newsletter varies but typically takes 1-2 weeks. It includes content creation, design, approvals, and scheduling. However, we can adjust the timeline based on specific goals and requirements.

When is the right time to send automated emails out to hotels?

The ideal timing for hotel emails can vary, but generally:

1. Day of the week: Tuesdays and Thursdays tend to have higher open rates.
2. Time of the day: Late morning or early afternoon, around 10 AM to 2 PM, is often adequate.

For specific events or promotions:

1. Before a guest arrives: Send welcome emails 1-3 days before arrival.
2. After a guest checks out: Send post-stay emails within 24-48 hours to gather feedback and encourage return visits.

We can adjust the timings based on your target audience and their preferences.

How do we get more guests to become email subscribers?

The best way to increase email subscribers from your hotel guests database is to add a sign up form at suitable touchpoint in the customer journey. The hospitality industry is a visually appealing setup and you need to be able to send promotional emails to increase your business and promote the brand. For example, at check in, invite guests to subscribe to your newsletter to learn more about ongoing promotions and upcoming events.

Our Blog

Email marketing is a dynamic and rewarding field that offers vast career opportunities for those with the right skills and expertise. This

Connecting with potential and current customers directly in their email inboxes is crucial for any marketing strategy. Nevertheless, like any marketing method,

It is crucial to understand the continued importance of email marketing in converting leads into dedicated customers. We will provide a comprehensive

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